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About Pat Burns

Pat Burns
April 4, 1952 - November 19, 2010

Version français
Pat Burns was born in Montreal, but grew up in Gatineau, Quebec. At the young age of 17, he became a police officer. However, 他一直与曲棍球保持联系,指导青少年曲棍球,后来成为QMJHL赫尔奥林匹克队的球探.

Hockey Career

In 1984, Burns’ legacy was just becoming a reality. 韦恩·格雷茨基(Wayne Gretzky)说服他放弃了16年的警察生涯,成为赫尔奥运会的主教练. After three successful years as head coach in Gatineau, Serge Savard, general manager of the Montreal Canadiens, 让伯恩斯考虑担任舍布鲁克加拿大人队的主教练, the AHL affiliate team for the CH.
After one short season with the Sherbrooke Canadiens, Burns was hired as the head coach for the Montreal Canadiens.

"六年前,我买了黄牛票去观看加拿大人队在论坛球场的比赛," he recalled. "我坐在蓝色的座位上,观看鲍勃·盖尼、拉里·罗宾逊、鲍比·史密斯和马茨·纳斯伦德的表演. Six years later, I'm behind their bench!" (Hockey Hall of Fame)

在他在加拿大人队的新秀赛季,伯恩斯带领球队进入了斯坦利杯决赛. Unfortunately, the team lost in game 6 to the Calgary Flames. However, Pat Burns was awarded the Jack Adams Award, 每年颁发给对球队成功贡献最大的NHL教练.”
"六年前,我买了黄牛票去观看加拿大人队在论坛球场的比赛," he recalled. "我坐在蓝色的座位上,观看鲍勃·盖尼、拉里·罗宾逊、鲍比·史密斯和马茨·纳斯伦德的表演. Six years later, I'm behind their bench!" (Hockey Hall of Fame)
伯恩斯在加拿大人队待了四个赛季,然后去了多伦多枫叶队担任主教练. Again, in his first season with the team, 他在带领多伦多猛龙进入西部决赛后被授予杰克亚当斯奖.
1997-1998赛季,波士顿棕熊队聘请伯恩斯担任主教练. For the third time in his career, 帕特·伯恩斯在带领波士顿棕熊队进入西部决赛后获得了杰克·亚当斯奖.

在被棕熊队解雇后,伯恩斯成为新泽西魔鬼队的主教练. 在他加入球队的第一年,伯恩斯终于实现了他的梦想,赢得了斯坦利杯. 他在魔鬼队效力了两年,并于2005年因健康原因退役.
帕特·伯恩斯在NHL执教了14个赛季,参加了11次季后赛, with one single run ending with The Cup. His final record was 501 wins, 350 losses, 161 ties and 14 overtime losses in 1,019 regular season games. In 2014, Burns was honoured posthumously into the Hockey Hall of Fame. To this day, 他仍然保持着获得杰克·亚当斯奖最多的记录,并且“将永远被认为是NHL板凳上最坚强的竞争对手之一”.”

Home Away From Home

Pat’s career took him all over North America, but he never really left the Eastern Townships, maintaining homes on the Lake Memphremagog. It was here that many local fans got to see Pat’s giving side. A guitar player and a motorcycle enthusiast, Pat would often drive from Montreal, even Boston, 和他的朋友们在老斯坦斯特德大学体育馆打冰球.
“I did that for a few years,” he said in an interview in early 2010. “我会出来投第一球,给球迷签名,和他们聊天. I feel it’s important to give back to the community when you can.”
When the Devils won the Cup in ’03, Pat brought it “home” to Magog, where he greeted local fans and the press at the yacht club.
2008年,斯坦斯特德镇和体育菠菜大平台开始讨论建造一个新的竞技场. 2009年11月,帕特·伯恩斯(Pat Burns)同意将他的名字和个人资料借给竞技场. 不幸的是,2010年11月19日,帕特·伯恩斯在与癌症的第三次斗争中失败了. 他去世时,他的家人在舍布鲁克的La Maison aube - lumi酒店陪伴着他. 

He was never able to see the finished product, but Pat Burns' legacy lives on, and generations of hockey players will know who Pat Burns was.